This week BT, formerly British Telecom, has announced a collaboration with holographic reality start-up DoubleMe on the launch of a business‐to‐consumer (B2C) service, TwinWorld, in 2021.
BT is a British multinational telecommunications holding company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. With operations in around 180 countries, BT is the largest provider of fixed-line, broadband and mobile services in the UK, and also provides subscription television and IT services.
As noted in Holoportation in 2021: BT seeing DoubleMe, BT’s involvement with DoubleMe began in early‐2020 when the operator announced it as one of two winners of TEAC UK Wave 3 — the startup competition organised by BT’s Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Ecosystem Acceleration Centre (BTwatch, #309).
At the time, DoubleMe pitched HoloPortal, a novel 3D capture system that converts 2D videos into dynamic 3D models in real-time for various 3D content markets (e.g. game, 3D animation, VR/AR, 3D printing).
According to DoubleMe Chief Financial Officer and head of UK operations Petros Bozatzis, their company is the “only company out there to have achieved holo‐portation with a single camera and a single PC”.
As a TEAC UK Wave 3 winner, DoubleMe was given the opportunity to work with BT Research for twelve-to-18 months and join Innovation Martlesham, the high‐tech cluster of ICT specialists based at Adastral Park.
DoubleMe said it has been testing the latest HoloPort platform with BT, MTS, and its other telco partners, “for the early deployment of its platform in 2021”.
Bozatzis provided some hints as to what form a B2C service with a telco like BT might look like, and said DoubleMe plans to make TwinWorld device agnostic.“We are also looking to make our application and service more light and more portable. We may soon be able to use a mobile phone and the next generation of goggles to achieve holoportation”, he said.
DoubleMe has already partnered with LG U+, MTS, Singtel, as well as 13 other global telecom operators.
For more about the collaboration between BT and DoubleMe, check out TelcoTitan’s Holoportation in 2021: BT seeing DoubleMe.